Expert Pensions Advice 30.04.2022

Group Pension Claims on the Rise: Find Out If You’ve Been Mis-Sold a Bad Pension

The number of group pension claims being made is on the rise, as more and more people become aware of the fact that they may have been mis-sold a bad pension. This type of litigation can be extremely complex, but with the help of a good lawyer, you may be able to get the money you deserve. In this article, we’ll discuss what group pension claims are, and how you can go about filing one yourself.

A group pension claim is a claim made by a group of people who have been mis-sold a bad pension. This type of claim is usually brought against the company that sold the pension, or the financial advisor who advised the group on their investment. In order to succeed in a group pension claim, you will need to prove that you were misled about the nature of the pension and that you would not have invested in it if you had known the truth.

The first step in filing a group pension claim is to gather together all of the documentation that you can find relating to your pension. This includes any correspondence with your financial advisor, as well as any brochures or other materials that were given to you when you first invested in the pension. Once you have all of this documentation, you should sit down with a lawyer who specializes in group pension claims and discuss your case.

The lawyer will likely want to see all of the documentation that you have collected, as well as any other information that you may have about the case. They will then be able to advise you on whether or not you have a good chance of success, and what steps you need to take next. If your lawyer believes that you have a strong case, they will likely recommend that you file a claim with the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

The FSCS is a government-backed scheme that provides compensation for people who have been mis-sold financial products. If your claim is successful, the FSCS will pay you back all of the money that you have lost as a result of the mis-selling. In some cases, they may also award you interest in the money that you have lost.

If you think that you may have been mis-sold a bad pension, then don’t delay in taking action. The sooner you start your group pension claim, the better your chances of success will be. Get in touch with a lawyer today and find out if you have a case.

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